New Babylon

After that horrendous incident in which my no-face uncle attempted to dishonor me, I am looking for every opportunity to bury that recounting in my archives and never look back. I have since moved back to DC and have made plans to get my life together, once again; but if I've learned nothing else, I know to leave out the details of my plans for now, because of Murphy's Law. It intensifies when I talk too much. So, it's been nice to get back to work on art again. I'm still learning how to make decent land/cityscapes, but each one is getting better than the last. I see where I could've done better, for instance, the two tallest buildings are near the center of the composition- if I was thinking more about the flow of the design- I would have thought to put them off to the sides. But I never know how it's going to turn out, to be honest, so I'm proud of it anyway. This is the scene when Roxy first wakes up after being "rescued".


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