
Showing posts from October, 2018





Punk n' Pink



So, I have been a little preoccupied with life. I haven't truly updated this blog with a full-blown illustration in ages. Truth be told, I am struggling with a little bit of artist's block and some fear that I've lost my touch. I've been more focused on tinkering with 3D and photomanipulation than painting. I have a lot of ideas in the way of my writing that I want to develop more, but I think I'm a bit overwhelmed with all my unfinished projects and trying to balance it with my life now. Let me be honest, I have NEVER actually had a full time job. Ever since I graduated college, in 10 whole years, all of my jobs were part-time or I was working freelance. There were a few times in between when I was working pretty much every single day, but there were opportunities in both instances for me to work on my artwork on my computer during work hours (how lucky was I?) Now, I am working 40 hours a week and I don't want to make excuses because I could set asi