Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Great Divide

My second ever attempt at environment painting... It's okay :\ It's a good start I guess T_T. I need to practice... This was my point of reference.

I'm  sorry I just have to confess this and get it off my chest. Completely unrelated to this painting- Big Bang is taking over my life. I don't know what on Earth is posessing me to fangirl at this maniacal, psychotic level, but I missed their concert in New Jersey a few weeks ago and it's tearing my soul apart. I regret it DEEPLY.

I have NEVER felt this way about any celebrity(s), EVER. I can't even choose one bias (favorite)- It stresses me out just to think about having to choose. I love them ALL SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH that it is probably causing some irreverisble psychological damage to my mental health. I'm not the only one either- other VIP's (Big bang fans) are just as fanatic if not worse than me. You know, maybe it's good that I didn't go to the concert, I would have been shrieking, crying, jumping, howling, hyperventilating, foaming at the mouth and generally losing my shit to the point where I might have yeah.

Well I just wanted to share:
Here. Look at my sexies: XD EEEEEEEEE!
Seungri, Taeyang, TOP, GDragon, Daesung

Ok... so I might have a teeny TINY bit of a slightly biased infatuation for Taeyang. A little.


Jammi said...

The waterfall aspects reminds me of a grander Dunn's River Falls. I like the girl standing on the ledge looking down.

And as a fellow VIP who gets a burning feeling because she didn't go to the New Jersey concert, just accept the obsession.

I've loved Big Bang for 6 years now (TOP = <33333) and I don't even think it's strange to get so overly excited.

Like, they're the one group (them and 2ne1 to a certain extent)where I'm tempted to buy products because they advertise it. I have more sense than that but at the same time it's like I don't, lol.

But the again my circle of friends/family are into Big Bang too so it is pretty normal to me, lol.

Maharani said...

OMG JAMMI T_T you are AWESOME! Can we be bff's nao?! Yes I know exactly what you mean! (HELL YES, TOP! <3 ^_^) You're lucky to be surrounded by other fans, lol my friends (with the exception of one) think I'm total weirdo with an asian fetish... and that's only half true!LOL

Jammi said...

LOL, yeah, there are quite a few people who think I have an Asian fetish but it's not my fault they're so pretty/attractive, lol. I mean GD alone, he's not my play husband but still, I adore his tiny little self. Even his fashion sense and that child is over the top.

I am, lol, but I pretty much had to introduce them to it because I once spent a week watching their concerts online (when I first discovered them) and I couldn't be the only person acting like a 12 year old meeting N Sync for the first time over a youtube video, LOL.

Also, did you see the video where the fans in California sing Happy Birthday to TOP and he dances to a 2Chainz song? He can't dance but I get so happy watching it.

Maharani said...

LOL yes I did! He's so adorkable!I was just like CHOOM TOP! XD Yea I am going through the video watching phase too- I got it baaaad!

JaiaLeia said...

This is a great start! You have amazing talent and I can't wait to see more :) BTW... TOP is the best!!!

Maharani said...

This is why you're my bff! LOL

Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

  It's been a few years since Itachi has moved to The Cloud Recesses and has been cultivating with Gusu Lan Clan and I wanted to do some...