
Showing posts from December, 2017


I want to believe you. I do. But I have more intangible obstacles, “conveniently” placed between, just as before. I am short-tempered because “Nobody is perfect” except for me, so I don’t know how to cater to your moods. I don’t know what the fuck to believe. I shouldn’t have done the thing. I know I shouldn’t have. Because it never changes anything. It just serves to make me miserable as I was when I was last in a “relationship”. How heavy my mind and heart in  conjunction must be to have the impact of hate manifested in feral anger management issues, in my peers is a new one for me. In the past I had avoided gen-contact for the sake of keeping peace and now it’s as if I am starting fires by refraining from doing the thing, and “cheating” people out of some kind of vicarious high. It will only get worse. It would be nice to be rescued, but I don’t think that’s how this story goes, or it would have happened by now. I never saw enlightenment being so lonely, but I suppose

Momo is Peaches

  I don't always update Peaches posts here, but this is what I did today so, here they are. They came out really good/ I'm proud of them :)