Monday, May 1, 2017

Farren 3.0

*swoons* OmaGAH! He looks like I always imagined! :3 Look at you, so sexy! As I've been re-imagining the plot, surrounding these characters, Farren's personality has changed the most, but his appearance is pretty much spot on with the first colored pencil drafts I created back in my high school days, no? HEY! My subpar attempts at drawing a masculine personage turned out pretty okay for, like, the FIRST try! Anyway, he's about 20 or 21, if memory serves, fresh out of a hidden village with no connection to the outside world whatsoever. So, pretty naive, but he is educated, book-smart, magically gifted, well-read, and quite the gentleman. He and Kayli are thick as thieves since they were kids; while he is the brains, most reluctant to fight, she is the brawn.

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Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

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