Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Little Things

I had a little drama this morning. It was so asinine I probably shouldn't take the time to write it here but I'm gonna anyway. SO I've been making mozzarella, tomato and basil sandwiches all week for lunch and I couldn't think of any good condiments to go on my sandwich at first (Mayo was the default choice) but I'm not a big fan of mayo. Anyway I had a great idea, to put pesto on my sandwiches because I f*ckin love pesto and it just goes well with  my ingredients. Me, being a spoiled, lazy brat, solicited Kurt (my booski, who actually ENJOYS cooking) to make the pesto, because I knew he'd make it good!
I think you're taking advantage of me.
ANYWAY. He made the pesto on like, Monday and I wasn't able to go get it until yesterday. He lives far and I had to go get it after work-So I was exhausted. But at the end of the day, I got my Freakin' pesto. Moving on. I got home at like midnight, probably didn't actually go to bed til around 1 and went to sleep thinking of how awesome my sandwiches were gonna be at lunch tomorrow.

I  woke up, I'm gettin ready for work and I'm making my lunch and I look in the fridge where I put my little green jar of tasty and it's gone. I turn around and I ask my mom, "Where's my pesto?" and she's like "Ohhhh! I was looking for the apple butter (which is in a similar jar) and I was like 'OMG it turned green!' so I threw it out!"

At first I was like aw man, and basically started rifling through the trash can for it because it was in a sealed jar, so it's still edible, IDGAF. And she's like "No Rhonda, I rinsed it down the drain."

I was SO HURT. Like I knew she genuinely did not know and didn't mean to throw away my pesto but you know how when you work, or go to school every day, even the SLIGHTEST change in routine can kinda make your day? Maybe you got some new underwear, or are trying new mascara or are putting PESTO on your sandwiches. I was just REALLY looking forward to it and when I was denied, I was destroyed. I know: First World Problems, amirite? But even though this is such a small thing to get upset about, and I knew that, I couldn't help feeling sad the entire morning.

En route to work I had this inner dialogue with myself:
"Rhonda, this is pathetic, look how upset you are over a jar of pesto!"
"But Kurt made it for me; and it was so hard to get! I literally sacrificed sleep to get that pesto!"
"Yeah but it's just a condiment. There are people in the world with real problems."

I know. I'm a child. Anyway here I am sittin at work, sulking about this lost pesto when lo' and behold, the receptionist comes back and asks if I have any preference for toppings on the pizza that's being ordered today for the office.

Sometimes I feel spoiled and unworthy of favor, but God is good.  The moral of the story is to appreciate all blessings no matter how small. Sadhu! :)

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