Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Emerald City

In search of a heart and brain... The courage is too turnt up.

The glass ceiling, as it were.

Monday, September 29, 2014

This isn't love

I've been trying to draw something for weeks. It can;t be forced. I wasjust sitting at the computer zoning out and starting and stopping... Until this image flashed in my mind. It was the only one I could flesh out to completion. What is going on?

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Little Mermaid

I went to Copenhagen 3 weeks ago. It was ok. I say that because some things happened that made me raise an eyebrow and I've spent the past 3 weeks digesting that very colorful experience. Long story short We went to Christiania, bought and smoked weed, went shopping, ate Danish food,  went to Tivoli, went clubbing, went on a boat tour,  and generally did tourist things over the course of 4 days.

While souvenir shopping, I bought a hardback book of the original Hans Christen Anderson tale "The Little Mermaid"

It's a little darker than the Disney version, but it still had a semi happy ending.
By the time our 4 days were up, I was so damn happy to be leaving, mostly because the weather took a turn for the worst in the last 2 days. It was raining, and I don't mean summer rain with heat added. No. It was the nasty, cold shit with no humidity in the air. It dropped to like 40 degrees from mid 60s. Being a native Detroiter, I'm no stranger to this type of weather, but goddamn, I still hate it. Speaking of which, the landscape and climate reminded me a LOT of Michigan- but Denmark still has an over-thereness quality with its really old preserved European architecture:



One thing's for sure: I learned some invaluable life lessons, and even though I'm ambivalent about how this trip unfolded, I wouldn't trade the wisdom I gained for the world.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Pinkie Pie

I've been meaning to finish these at some point. Remember Twilight and Rainbow Dash from forever ago? LOL, well I came back around to it. I dunno... I'm rendering old sketches in an attempt to calm my troubled mind...it's not really working... lol

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Blacklit High

This was a request, before you go assuming i have a one track mind, blogreader. The light was fun to play around with.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Thursday, June 5, 2014

The Dragon

A lovely beast with flawed perception. Somethings up with the color calibration on my Laptop. It makes everything look way more yellow than usual. But its kinda Blogger's fault too because when I corrected the colors on my desktop, the upload was still more saturated. Weird.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Friday, May 23, 2014

Guess what?

So I had to do this twice. I started it on my laptop and the file corrupted  and I lost the entire thing after I had spent about a week on and off just trying to finalize the concept. Not gonna lie, that kinda stung but as I sat and mourned the loss of my hard work I realized that if I didn't try again the failure would be really ironic for claiming not to give a fuck. So I came back and tackled it again and ALMOST lost the file again (and learned the laptop is treacherous with .PSDs) but I finally finished. :) "Eyyyy!" -in my Fonzie voice

Friday, May 2, 2014

An Explanation

I go outside. Sometimes...
I owe you guys something. It's been like 2 weeks since I last posted. Don't worry, I haven't fallen off, so much as I just got really busy. I'm juggling a lot between my 2 jobs, and Pali classes I attend twice a week at the Buddhist Vihara. This past weekend I went to Miami with one of my jobs and as fun as it was (TOO much damn fun) It kinda threw a wrench in my schedule because I only took one shift off of work to accommodate the trip. I basically just rolled off the plane and tumbled through this work-week, too exhausted to get anything accomplished other than sleep between my regular working hours and since I'm actually making up the shift I took off, my weekend will be short too. But enough with the excuses, I'm not looking for your pity! You want art, right? I've been working on a couple of things: namely coloring the character designs for the Tiger and the Dragon and also a little side piece, so have a little patience! GAWD!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Just a little break from the steep mountain that is Animation. I took a day to design a costume for Ayane from Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate. I only found out about the contest yesterday by random concidence and the deadline for submissions was today T_T. I just sent mine in.  I think it turned out pretty good considering the time crunch. If you know Ayane like I do, (And I SO do) this suits her. Except maybe the wedges... that part was all me. LOL

Monday, April 14, 2014

Chasing the Dragon Storyboards (Update: Completed)

Finally finished. I've learned a lot about myself doing this. This has been a test of will and patience- not by any measure, an easy feat. So I dunno. I guess I'm improving technically in the process, but it's more than that. My psyche is changing. The spectrum of impossibilities I used to imagine and daydream about seem more like far off possibilities on a distant horizon now. That seems a simple understanding but it's not easy to employ. Interesting.

I don't know if there's any way for anyone to see the timing of this but me, but press play and try to keep up, I guess.

Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

  It's been a few years since Itachi has moved to The Cloud Recesses and has been cultivating with Gusu Lan Clan and I wanted to do some...