Friday, February 3, 2012


Ok... I admit I've been a little distracted. I kinda sorta got into Secondlife against my own good judgement, and even worse, I bought lindens ;_; so I've been dressing up my avatar like nobody's business going on shopping binges and showing off whenever the opportunity presents itself. Hell, I even got me a sugar mama in the game. JUST LOOK AT ME! Ah well enough of that. In my preoccupation, I've been somewhat lax in getting work done but I'm still creating and there should be a REAL art post by Sunday soon, but for now just enjoy the prettier 3D version of me and this awesome song I discovered the other day.

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She Samurai

 Trying to keep that same energy. Trying for more detail. I need painting practice too. Which makes me a little miserable, because I get dis...