
I had an epiphany today. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my heart and I'm going to be okay. Thanks to all my friends and family who lent me a shoulder to cry on. But most of all I thank GOD. The internal struggle was too much to bear at times and no matter what anyone said, I couldn't get past that. On the darkest days when I felt like I didn't have the strength to even breathe, god gave me the strength to push on. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a super religious person but I will say I've always had faith. I've never been one to discount the belief in a higher power or intelligence, whether its one being, a collection of many, a spirit, the tao or karma- I don't know and I don't claim to but whatever god is and GOD definitely IS. He/she/it is great in my book. Faith truly does heal and I feel blessed to have experienced it.


Keisha said…
you're not religious, you're spiritual.

you're religion would be agonostic (if you are unsure about god/he/she/it/them)

im agonsitic but im spiritual because i believe there is a higher power but i don't know what it is and i don't care to find out.
Maharani said…
Yeah I guess agnostic is the closest fit. I just can't get with organized religion. I just feel like no one
human being can tell me what god is because it's different for everybody.

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