Monday, December 27, 2010

Like a BOSS

Bohdi/Distorto, thinking... like a BOSS! There's a version of this with a background here. But I wasn't sure which one I liked best. I kinda like how he's fading into the void (even though that's usually an excuse for not doing a background, I really mean it this time). There's something mildly sinister about it. Wow! 2 in a row!

... Don't expect an update from me for about 3 months. LOL I'm only kidding...partly :|

Monday, December 20, 2010

Livin in a New world

Melo-D being her rude self. Ooooooh! I colored something! Yeey! Let's see if I can keep this up... not

*edit* fixed the ledge she was standing on cuz it was gross.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

NEWNESS! Hot and fresh off the griddle!

I am sooo sorry! It has been over a month, but it's okay! Today I come bearing sketchess for youuuuu! "For us, Rhonda?! Really? Oh joy!" Yes, for you my loves...
._. I really need some friends...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Halloween

I know I'm a few days early but this is going to be my 3rd tutorial post on Even if you aren't into IMVU if you wanna just see my process, check it out. I get all up in there. LOL

Monday, October 18, 2010

IMVU n' Thangs

I've begun a blog called that is basically gonna be tutorials on how to make IMVU avatars look..uh.. not stupid. In my 4 years on IMVU people always are asking me how i make my avatar look so cool and so I decided to give them access to some of my photoshop secrets. No tutorials have been posted yet, as making tutorials is a slow ass process, but I'm working on it. This image will be the one of the first.... Too advanced? We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hotchacha and Cha cha cha

LOL, great titles huh? The next two sketches for the Triptych. Quick post. I'm going to be late for work. Gotta go!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


New sketch. I think I'm going to do 2 more and make a triptych.

What I Wore

A little sketch log of what I wore. I got the idea from Viet-My Bui, aka Ravenskar on Deviantart whose swag is so much cuter T_T but it's because she wears skirts and ... I'm yeah.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mayu (Colored)

In expanding my portfolio I'm experimenting with different styles. This came about specifically after I was inboxed a job description looking for and Illustrator (Check) who has a feminine drawing style (CHECK!) that looks similar to Stila cosmetcis or Daily candy Style... well i didn't have anything like that, I'm far too digital and neat to do half assed watercolors. But I decided to go the extra mile, make this and send it to them in hopes that they'll choose me. A long shot but hey, whatever it takes.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Promo Weekly Cover

WHEW!! Finished.. with the cover, that is. I still have some spreads to do -_- but I think those will be easier. I could've made it easy on myself and just used some stock Photos but... when I see an opportunity to draw I take it! Peep the candy necklace and bracelet on the afrochick, haha. Gangsta!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Promo Weekly

I recently bought this awesome little book called The Graphic Design Exercise Book and it is AWESOME! Anyway it's basically a book filled with projects that every graphic designer should have in their portfolio. One section focuses on Logos and Branding, one on packaging, another on layouts and typography etc... but the thing that I love about it is how educational and objective oriented it is. It gives you specific guidelines for each of the projects and this one is called Promo. It's a weekly magazine/newspaper dealy for arts and culture, so this is the beginning of the cover. I haven't been this driven since college!

Oh, also, 2 years ago, in 2008, I drew the Niyati illustration- you know the one- to submit to Exotique 5. It didn't make it into the book, but its that time again people! And I've been invited to submit to Exotique 6! Pray for me. I still don't feel like I'm quite on that CGsociety level, but Niyati pushed me to a level that I hadn't seen before, so we'll see how it all turns out :). Wow. Long post. See you guys soon.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Nike Twist Mock Ad

Finished. I ended up facing her the other direction because you read from left to righ, just thought it made more sense that way.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dancing Shoes

Hello all...2 of you.

I've been LAZY! I admit it, but I'm breaking out of it now. Here's somethin' different. It's still a work in progress but I like this touch, which you wont see much of in the final version. So I just wanted to show this stage for the sake of someone being able to appreciate it. Especially the hair . Took about 4-5 hours. Talk about tedious. Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Greg and Legend

These are for Greg. A friend who commissioned me like a week ago. I'm posting my progress just so he knows I'm not bullshittin' which I am so prone to doing. LOL More to come.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kayli and Niyati

I draw Niyati more than I draw any of the other main characters in her plot. There are 3 of them. Niyati, Kayli and Farren in a fantasy plot that I began when I was maybe like...16? I've written and rewritten the story so many times. I'm on my 4th attempt now. But never mind that. Allow me to introduce you to Kayli. Originally she was this warrior amazonian type chick, kickin ass with a sword, but she's changed. She's still pretty tall, but her weapon(s) are now twin cutlasses- because that just drips badassery. Farren- who has yet to be drawn... well.. We'll get to him. And if you're not already familiar with Niyati...well.. you should be familiar with Niyati. She's one of the characters I draw the most. Her and Nina, who kinda have surprisingly similar features. Go figure?

Monday, June 21, 2010


I didn't disappear! I did something!SEE?! Now if I could just keep this up....

Friday, May 28, 2010


I like this. i think once it gets colored it's gonna lose some of its soul.


Grindin'- know what I keep in the linin', better stay in line when, you see a nicca like me shinin'.Thats a different type of grinding, lol, but that was what played in my head when I named it that, hehe. There will be more background to this image real soon, reeeeal soon. Notably, something to grind the actual skateboard on.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Take it off

Nasty put some clothes on, I told ya
Don't walk out your house without no clothes on, I told ya
Girl what ya thinkin' bout lookin' that to' down, I told ya
These men don't want no hot female that's been around the block female, you nasty girl

Meh. I've been workin on this for a bit, but as of late haven't had the time I need to give it my undivided attention. And now I wanna start a new project. Sorry Niya, no hard feelings. For what it's worth, I don't really think you're a nasty girl.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

High Price

Boogie, Yet again. Walking a doberman in super expensive and super high heels....>.>... Yeah...


Boogie....yet again. I dunno why I draw this bitch so much. This is a snippet from her spring break time spent in Miami. Tsk- Shameless heifer.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Krylon in yo Eyes

I'm a little late on this upload. I did this a few days ago- don't get excited, it's just another sketch, nothing special. Maybe one of these days I'll do a full blown, balls to the wall illustration. It's not that I haven't had the time I have PLENTY, but I keep putting it off because of 2 reasons: Stuff keeps coming up that ranks higher in priority and I haven't had any great ideas that I want to illustrate fully. Artist's block? I dunno, maybe. but for now, here's another sketch.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Melo Dancer

Slowly but surely I'm getting around to working on personal projects again. I haven't been doing it much lately because I've bee ...penalized... for it. But not drawing is starting to take its toll on me, so I'll probably have to do this on the DL. Melo-D and a whole lotta ass. Wishful thinking I suppose. HAHA!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nocturnal Scripture (...continued)

Here are some also long overdue sketches of new characters for Nocturnal Scripture. Fully colored bios and descriptions to come soon... and that makes 6.. I think. SO that means there are 4 left to do. This is a damn travesty. I started this project months ago and I still haven't even finished my main character sketches. ._. *sigh*

Anyway, the chick is Brianna Tag: Pretty and the asian boy is Yuki
Tag: Panda

Monday, March 22, 2010

Subway Sketches

Here are a couole of the long overdue sketches I did once upon a 2 hr commute to work. The first one is of Boogie after one too many drinks at the club and the second is of Melo-D, lookin' mischeivous.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sticky Sweet

Here's one more Boogie to feast your eyes on. Im done with her, for now. IMVU is making me lazy and HOB is taking up more of my time than I care to admit. It's so fun though! I have more to show, but I just don't have a scanner :'( so once I get one, you guys will be bombarded with sketches, since, after all, it is a "SKETCH" blog. and I would've shown step-by -step for the last few submissions only- since I have no scanner- they were done in photoshop, from scratch. I FINALLY CONQUERED THE DEMON THAT IS DRAWING WITH MY WACOM TABLET!! It still sucks not to have a hard copy tho, so I learned alot but I'm gonna stick to paper. End here unless you wanna hear Rhonda rants. This sketchblog does kinda double as a diary.

I have a 2 hour commute to work every day on the metro and I just recently started taking my sketchbook along to occupy the time. ANYbody who knows intimately about the daily metro nuisance of nosy people invading your personal space (my DC and NY people) can probably relate to this shit. But do people think it's, like, cool to stand directly over you, hovering and watching you draw? It doesn't bother some people, but it friggin' bothers me. They're watching me INTENTLY- Like I can understand if someone want's to peek at what I'm doing or whatever, but damn, to stand up over me, or sitting next to me leaning over so far that i can feel your hot ass breath. Dont people have ANYTHING better that they could be doing? It's so ANNOYING! Plus they're watching all the mistakes, erasing and tedium. Ugh. I hope they enjoyin the damn show, cuz that makes one of us. I've even gotten on the train with the intent of being far away from everybody else, in a single seat, alone. The trains here never get sardine packed like the ones in DC, so why the hell do people make it a POINT to come and see wtf I'm doin'?! HM?

Anyway, that was just an observation I wanted to share with you all. This post is really long... Ok.. Later.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Not much to say. Boogie's Pinoy boy toy in all his half naked glory. I so suck at drawing men... like hard. But It was a good try. I learned a lot. Bedtime. nighty night.

*edit* I went back to this later and made him more masculine looking. Hmm I'd say maybe a few months ago. lets say 7/2012

Monday, February 22, 2010


I feel like I owe all my blog readers... all 2 of you; an explanation. It's been over 2 weeks since my last post. Don't assume that I'm LAZY! CUZ I'M NOT! I've been working ._. I just haven't been able to upload the stuff. I left my scanner cord at my sisters when we moved. So now I can't scan :'(

But I will have something to show real soon, I promise.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Boogie's LOOOOVE interest. Mmm so close to Valentines day too... its a conicidence, I swear. I'm not that corny.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Who wants it?!

Thank you for being so patient Drew. Here's Klare, post-apocalyptic badass on the warpath. There will be blood.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Klare (clean lines)

Vectory goodness. I'm about to turn in for the night. This is the last comission, after this I should be back on track with personal projects.

I kinda feel like she looked a lot more badass when she was drawn in pencil. I don't now if it was the grittiness or the dynamic motion of sketch lines or what, but now that everything is all cleaned up she doesnt look nearly as vicious to me for some reason. I dunno maybe I've just been looking at it too long. What do you think, imaginary blog reader?

Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

  It's been a few years since Itachi has moved to The Cloud Recesses and has been cultivating with Gusu Lan Clan and I wanted to do some...