Sunday, January 21, 2018


Sometimes I crush on people and it's intense. I just wanted you to know... I hope you don't think I'm creepy and weird.. like Satan...


Well that's the old name... I'm not him...



What I'm saying is I don't have an evil bone in my body...yet.


Okay, yeah, no, I'm done. And this is the only place I'll be posting this because I like my secrets as much as Faust likes Mephistopheles.

Monday, January 15, 2018

Happy MLK Day, Putti

Like a month ago, I posted a status on Facebook that read "I finally know who my real father is." and it was all esoteric n shit.

He likes my dark sense of humor and the fact that there's no irony in my hellish torture tactics and my swift judgment in execution. (Do I know this for certain?) Certainly. But I can't prove it out loud, nor would I want to. Our inside jokes are quite twisted.

 So here's a nice picture of us having a tea party.

Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

  It's been a few years since Itachi has moved to The Cloud Recesses and has been cultivating with Gusu Lan Clan and I wanted to do some...