Saturday, December 24, 2011

Farren's Expressions

I still have so much shit left to do, it kinda just feel's like I'm spining my wheels. But at least I'm close to getting to the digital part again. All this drawing on paper, is teaching me a lot but I want to COLOR SOMETHING DAMNIT! : Last, is the outfits. Then I'm coloring some stuff, because I'm fiending for it, like a crackhead. Ok I gotta go back to work.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Niyati's Expressions

Still working out nauseous. 24 out of 25 aint bad tho XD I'm still having some SLIGHT inconsistency issues, but this is MUCH better than before. So I'm pleased.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kayli Character sheet

She is a fighter so I tried to give her some muscles. Feminine muscles :) For a tall gal she's agile!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Consistency Sheet: Farren

Ugggh Drawing boys is hard :\. Okay so, I've been drawiing these 3, Farren, Niyati and Kayli for some years and only a handful of people know their plot, so I'll share it with you imaginary reader. I have been working and reworking this story since I was like 16. I'm on my third (hopefully final) version now. I don't know if I'm satisfied with it either though. But some plot points remain the same. SO Farren and Kayli are from this village that's isolated and apart from the rest of the world as they know it. No one has ever come there (for as far back as anyone can remember) and no one ever leaves. People have tried but most never return or cant get past the wall that is the city's barrier. Anyway, Farren and Kayli (childhood bff's) get out, meet Niyati and try to ransom her back to her father for pickpocking them, trouble is: her father thinks she's useless and doesn't actually want her back so now they're all traveling companions for better of for worse and so on. There's more but that's the basis. Hi-jinks and shenanigans ensue.

Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

  It's been a few years since Itachi has moved to The Cloud Recesses and has been cultivating with Gusu Lan Clan and I wanted to do some...