Sunday, July 15, 2012

Clarendon Fitness

SO I'm involved in a few freelance projects at the moment. I've been actually keeping myself really busy with a few clients. One of which I think their branding might be compromised if I post, so I'll just keep that under wraps for now, but you would be proud of me, imaginary blog reader, to know how productive I've been. This here is for Clarendon fitness, obviously. I actually haven't heard back from them since sending the proofs but I hope they like one of these.

Diary Entry: Just to udpate what has been going on in my life for my future self. I'll give ya'll a little rundown of some of the things that have happened the past few weeks. My fever: I got sick in early July from sleeping under the fan at night. Runny nose, fever; nasty stuff which ended up in me taking a day off from my internship. The blackout: In which we lost our power to that huge windstorm that swept up the east coast but the silver lining is that it was in excess of 100 degree weather that whole week so I literally sweat most of the sickness out. Boss Beef: My new GM at Staples is a complete bitch. Yeah I said it. Della will never see this blog and if she ever does: Fuck you, Della! She took me off the schedule for a whole week because I called out AHEAD OF TIME on an insignificant shift. Once again I'd like to firmly re-iterate FUCK YOU, DELLA. During this workless week, the car was robbed whilst I dropped my mother off from the airport and among the contents stolen included, my wallet, Me and bf's smartphones, my ipod, the radio face and the tom-tom, not to mention a smashed driver side window. Monday comes around and I cant work at the office of my internship because the laptop I've been using is now being used by my bf at HIS new job, so I miss those days of work. After all of this- The big, red, giant cherry on the cake is stress of all this and more weighing on my relationship between my bf and I. I know I shouldn't complain. There are people in the world who are dying, and so I am grateful to God that I have my health and some income (just not this past week), but fuck you Satan, you are a liar. Seriously... Fuck you. End Rant.

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Itachi of Gusu Lan Clan

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